Friday, September 12, 2008

The frog strikes back... with a vengeance!!!

Okay, so again I'm woken up sleeping (in bed this time)... Stuart was making a trip to the gas station to fill up the cars since there are reports of gas being at $6 a gallon in Florida and he didn't want to take the chance of it going up here too much. So as he was coming home he noticed that frog/toad.. I'm still not sure which one it is sitting next to the garage door as he opened it. He tried to close the door right away but it was too late the frog got in. We are now thinking that maybe it's home is in our garage. There are several bugs in there for him to eat. Oh no!! what if there are little frog babies or something in there. We are now going to have to clean out the garage just to make sure there is no frog home.

So we had the same old game of frogger to get it out of the garage again.
The frog is actually behind me right next to the bush so it's hard to see.

Only this time it left us a little parting gift..
I actually got it on video in the middle of the act.
Just to give you a good idea of the size of the frog...
the poop is about 1.5 inches long and 1/2 inch wide.
Oh, and Stuart said that he could smell the dang thing and he said it was really gross.

I will only scoot the frog out... I let Stuart deal with the dirty work

The story doesn't end there... Kylie was being a night owl or more likely I went to bed early and Stuart never told her to go to bed. So she tagged along to the gas station and was so freaked out by the frog that Stuart had to carry her inside. This is where we found here when we came back in. She put her pillows and her bean bag on the bed to give her more height off the ground.


Jon Lawrence said...

You have been busy putting content in the blog, good job!

Lindsay said...

oh my gosh.. she is just too darn funny... all for a frog.. does she have something against kermit.. gotta love her.